Name Tag Attachments and Accessories
We offer a variety of name tag accessories and supplies for your name
tags and badges. Every tag comes with a safety pin backing. However if
you want to upgrade to other attachment types to fit a unique need check
out our options and see if we have what you are looking for. If you do
not see the nametag accessory you are looking for give us a call I am
sure we will be able to meet your needs.

High quality jewelers clip with locking back. This pin has been the standard for many years. Locks and stays locked!

Quit punching holes in your clothes! These magnets are so strong they go through Sport Coats, Jackets even Sweaters. This is our most popular attachment. Magnetic backings are $2 extra.

Bull Dog Clip
Just clip the badge where you want it! The bull dog clip is $.50 extra.

Add flexibility where you need it. The bull dog clip with strap is $1 extra.
Do you want to learn more about name name tag attachments and accessories, like badge fasteners? Read on...
What keeps your name tag on? One of the most overlook accessories of a name tag is the finding that keeps your badge where it belongs, on your lapel. The finding is the attachment that goes on the back of your name tag. There are several types to choose from and the following is a brief description of the qualities of each.
Magnetic Name Tags: The Magnetic Name Tag is our most popular type badge that we sell in the corporate market. The magnetic attachment consists of two different pieces. One piece being the magnet which is attached to the badge and the steel backing bar which is removable. You place the badge on the outside of your clothing and the bar goes behind your clothing. The magnetic field holds the badge in place through your clothing. The best quality magnets will hold through sport coats, jackets, shirts and sweaters. The magnetic name tag does away with having to punch a hole in your clothing.
The only drawback to using a magnetic backing is that if you lose the bar the badge will no longer attach to your clothing. Also a person with a pacemaker should not wear a magnetic name tag.
Pin Backing: The pin backed name tags are still the most popular name tag finding sold today. They are very cost effective and do a very nice job holding your name tag in place. The pin backing is attached to the name badge with an adhesive that does a very nice job. The stick pin goes through your clothing and then goes into a clasp that holds the pin in place so the tag does not slip off your clothes. The pin backed name tags are mainly used in clinics, industrial settings or in applications where the name tag may be impacted by outside forces.
The main drawback to this type finding is that it does punch two holes into your clothing. Also the clasp is of high quality but on occasion they do break.
Bulldog Clips: The bulldog clip is just that a clip that attaches to your clothing. Our clips have a swivel back so they can move freely with the wearer. The clip attaches to the back of the tag with an adhesive. Bulldog clips are not the most popular but do a nice job in the right environment.
The main drawback to this type finding is the fact that it has to have a place to clip and in some instances there just isn't an appropriate place where the name tag will attach and look right.
Lanyards: Lanyards are gaining in popularity. These are not findings but we felt they should be included in this article. The lanyard is a type of string or fabric that your tag attaches to, usually with a clip or ring that loops around your neck. We find that people with large name badges or photo id's usually prefer these to regular attachments. The lanyard effectively supports the tag, does not punch a hole in your clothes and is easy to use.
The only drawback to the lanyard type name tag is the fact that it hangs from your neck and quite often will get in your way while working. However in quite a few applications this is not an issue.

If you have any questions about our Name Tag Attachments and Accessories, contact
us today.